A low doc boat loan can be a good fit if you are self-employed, have just started a business or you’re an entrepreneur that doesn’t meet the standard documentation requirements.
Low doc loans are a non-standard type of loan which requires less documentation than a standard personal loan. Generally a low doc boat loan may require:
- A good credit history
- An ABN that has been registered for at least 12 – 24 months.
- Evidence of GST registration for at least 6 – 12 months.
- Your current financial position plus either 6 months of business bank statements, Business Activity Statements (BAS) or and accountants letter.
Apply For A Low Doc Boat Loan Now
At Aussie Boat Loans our providers of Low Doc boat loans have more flexible documentation and income verification requirements allowing you to avoid unnecessary “red tape” and onerous documentation requirements.
For more information you can contact us now on 1300 889 669 or apply online now!